Spay and Neuter Services in San Antonio, TX

*Only available at our main location,

One of the most important preventive animal health care measures we include in our comprehensive pet wellness care program is the spay and neuter procedure. It’s one of the best things you can do for the health of your pet, and it’s the most common type of minor pet surgery that our veterinarians perform. As a conveniently located spay and neuter clinic in Potranco, TX, we provide hundreds of these procedures each year. It’s a very safe procedure with a quick recovery period, and your pets will enjoy the benefits of having it done for the rest of their lives. At the Potranco Veterinary Clinic, we believe all of our pet patients should be able to afford quality health care, so we keep our costs as low as possible.

Why the Spay and Neuter Procedures Are Important

There are many health benefits to be gained by having your dog or cat spayed or neutered at our clinic, but there’s another really important reason you should have it done. The pet overpopulation crisis has reached a critical level in the U.S., overwhelming animal service organizations. Millions of pets are abandoned and left homeless each year, and shelters simply don’t have the space or resources to care for them all, nor enough homes willing to adopt them. Most of them end up being euthanized. A large cause of the problem is people bringing pets into their homes without realizing the realities and responsibilities of caring for them. But the biggest contributor to pet overpopulation is unwanted pregnancies and litters. Spaying and neutering are the most effective ways to help alleviate this problem.

Spay and Neuter Services in San Antonio, TX

The Health Benefits of Spay and Neuter Surgeries

There are a lot of health benefits, both physical and psychological, that your pet will enjoy from being spayed or neutered. Spaying is the removal of the reproductive organs of animals: the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes of females and the testicles of males. When female pets are spayed, they will no longer menstruate or go into heat, eliminating the stress and the screeching and crying associated with the heat cycle. Females have a lower risk of mammary cancer, and the risk of uterine cancer and pyometra, a dangerous infection of the uterus, is eliminated. Neutered males have a reduced risk of prostate issues and zero risk of testicular cancers. Research has shown that neutered male cats in general live twice as long as those cats that aren’t. Since the procedure naturally helps to stabilize the levels of the hormones that influence behavior, both females and males will be less moody and aggressive, less inclined to run away from home or get into fights, and much less likely to mark their territory by urinating on furniture and carpets.

The Spay and Neuter Procedure

Both puppies and kittens are typically neutered or spayed when they are between 6 to 9 months of age, although if they’re healthy, they can have the surgery done when they are as young as 8 weeks. In general, they get more benefit from the procedure if they have it done at a young age. When you bring your pet to our San Antonio veterinarian, they’ll tell you how to prepare your pets for the procedure, including having them drink only water and consume no food for 12 hours before their appointment. During their surgery, they’ll be given anesthesia to put them to sleep, and a veterinary technician will continually monitor their vital signs, watching for any irregularities. The surgery takes only a short time to complete, and after a couple of hours in recovery, they’ll be able to leave. Your veterinarian will give you instructions for caring for them at home.

When you need the services of a spay and neuter clinic or have any other animal health care needs, contact the Potranco Veterinary Clinic to schedule an appointment.

San Antonio, TX Spay and Neuter Services